Thursday, November 24, 2011

Push Ups for Pennies Campaign


I am kicking off my "push-ups for pennies" campaign today by doing 1,000 push-ups for Thanksgiving Day!

The proceeds for this campaign will go to St. Jude's Children's Hospital in honor of Alex Koehne.  Alex's Promise is a foundation in memory of Alex Koehne, a young Sag Harbor boy who lost his battle to a rare form of cancer.

All you have to do is contribute ONE PENNY for each push- up I do on the following days: Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year's Day!

Don't forget, little things add up to something big and we can always make a difference with our acts of kindness.

Have fun following me today.  I may be calling on a few Epic Martial Arts students to pick up the slack for Sensei!

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